Meditation Town

Member's Stories

Live the life of nature's flow with the mind of the Universe

An Immigrant’s Story

Hank L.

Moving from South Korea to America as a teenager was a cultural shock to my system. Many of the values that I grew up learning in the East, for example – respecting elders at all times or following the boss’s instructions without question – were not values that my Western peers valued or cared for. These differences were apparent in all aspects of my life and made it difficult for me to connect with others.

This meditation taught me that the changes I was going through in my environment did not have to hinder what was going on inside of me. I don’t know if people American born citizens can relate to my situation, but I’d like to share a list of the positive changes I saw from an immigrant’s point of view:

  1. My frustration with “trying to fit in” and feeling “other than” disappeared
  2. My anger that I felt for those who had taken advantage of me or patronized me completely resolved
  3. My anxiety about speaking a foreign language decreased
  4. I was no longer felt embarrassed when I could not remember a word in English or forgot how to say something
  5. I was able to get rid of my sense of inferiority about being a “second class citizen” and I no longer questioned who I was
  1. I stopped feeling homesick and depressed about being in a new place with no friendly faces
  2. My anxiety about my future disappeared
  3. I no longer worry about what other people think of me or how I have to portray myself to the world
  4. Daily stress decreased so I was finally able to quit smoking cigarettes and drinking
  5. Body aches and pains were relieved – especially the muscle tension on the right side of my body and constant migraines

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