Meditation Town

Member's Stories

Live the life of nature's flow with the mind of the Universe

Dark Clouds​

Shannon K.

In the beginning, I was easily able to eliminate the immediate thoughts that rose up in mind. These thoughts bothered me, but they were shallow thoughts. As time went on, I had more trouble discarding the heavier clouds in my mind such as depression, inferiority, guilt, social phobia, and suicidal thoughts. I could not follow the method well, so I kept asking questions.

Fortunately, I had a few great instructors who were able to guide me through that tumultuous time. There are no words to express how grateful I am that I was able to remove these dark clouds through this method.

And I truly thank all the instructors who were patient with me and let me go through the process on my own time. My mind is completely different after this meditation and I am so positive now. Thank you so much!

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